Generate Random Passwords Using Shell Scripting

Generate Random Passwords Using Shell Scripting

Using command line tools that can generate random data and manipulting string we can generate random passwords.

Here we are going to use openssl rand -base64 command to generate random data of user define lengths.and the genreted data we are going to save in file.

The rand command in OpenSSL is used to generate random data

The Base64 format, which is a standardized format for encoding binary data as printable ASCII characters.

echo "Random Password Generator"

echo "Enter The Length Of The Password: "

echo "Enter a Username: "

PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 $LENGTH)

TIMESTAMP=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")

echo "$USERNAME,$PASSWORD,$TIMESTAMP" >> passwords_file.csv

echo "Your new password for $USERNAME is: $PASSWORD"